Why I Wanted To Start a FlossTube
I often get asked why I wanted to start a FlossTube channel. Why me? Why now? I think it is a reasonable question, don’t you? Why would I want to step out of my comfort zone and record videos about cross stitching and quilting? Would I have enough content? Would anyone want to watch? These are questions that kept creeping up in the back of my mind.
The first time I thought about starting a FlossTube channel on YouTube was during the 2020 COVID lockdown. I kept feeling like I wanted to connect with more cross stitchers and quilters. It took me several months to find the courage to begin. It all happened while I was visiting two of my closest friends for a girl’s cross stitching weekend and they gave me the nudge I needed. So, on April 1, 2021 I jumped in and never looked back.

You Want To Do What?
You got it! That is what my family said when I told them my plans to start a FlossTube channel. They were familiar with FlossTube because they heard me talk about all my favorites as if I knew them on a personal level: “Priscilla and Chelsea did this today”, “Vonna showed us how to make perfect corners today”, or “You should see Lori’s latest projects.” My husband has always been supportive of anything I wanted to do, but the concept of recording videos about cross stitch and quilting for an hour seemed unusual to him. So I decided to give it a few episodes to see how it would go. In the past, I have been known to get an idea to do something, only to realize I do not enjoy it. Maybe this would be one of those endeavors. Boy, was I wrong.

My Stitching Philosophy
I knew I wanted to inspire cross stitchers and quilters of all skill levels. I wanted people to feel like they could complete a project from start to finish by their own hands. So many times I heard cross stitchers say that they can not fully finish a project. They would put so much pressure on themselves to be “perfect” or they would compare themselves to other cross stitcher’s finishes. I wanted to take that fear of “not being perfect” out of the finishing process. I wanted to tell people it is okay for things to not be perfect. I would rather have a finished project than a perfect project. I wanted to encourage cross stitchers to pull those pieces out of the pile of forgotten projects and simply finish them. We all have to start somewhere.

Steps I Followed to Starting a FlossTube
Step 1:
I had to come up with a name. It sounds easy, right? Wrong! Not only did I have to come up with something original, but it needed to relate to me. So many names I liked were taken. What did I want my message to be? I tossed around a lot ideas; “Keeping You in Stitches”, “Southern Stitcher”, “Happy Stitching”, just to name a few. Then it dawned on me. What do I aspire to be? What are my stitching goals? I wanted to choose a name of what I want to be, “proper.” Then I thought of several variations of the name until I came up with “The Proper Stitcher.” Now, you may think that I came up with this name because it is who or what I think I am, “prim and proper.” I actually looked into The British Dictionary for the definition of “proper” and this is what I found; “truly what something is said or regarded to be; genuine”, “of the required type; suitable or appropriate.”

Step 2:
Now I had a name, what’s next? What was my message? I already knew what I wanted to share with people. I wanted to inspire people to finish their projects. I also wanted to share my stitching journey and show my latest projects with the community. I wanted a way to connect with other cross stitchers and quilters.

Step 3:
I started with choosing the basics, such as channel art, a logo, and creating a social media presence. I knew I wanted my logo to be something with a cross stitch hoop and needle. I found a logo designer who created the logo I have today. I wanted it to be simple, but eye catching. Once I had a logo, I started promoting myself on social media. I made an Instagram page to post my projects, and used all the corresponding hashtags. I wanted to get this step established so when I recorded my first FlossTube I had a platform to share it. You can follow me on Instagram here.

Step 4:
I needed to learn the basics of YouTube. I started with filling out a profile. I binged watched several tutorials on how to start a YouTube channel.
Step 5:
I was ready to jump right in! Just like with finishing my cross stitch pieces, I had to start somewhere. I found that if I talked directly to the camera as if I were sitting across the table from a friend then I would be more relaxed. It helps that I am passionate about my content. You can watch my FlossTube channel here.

So, Here I Am
And that is the story of how I became The Proper Stitcher. Are my finishes perfect? No! Not even close, but I am 100% okay with that. I love having my pieces finished and on display in my home, and I love sharing my stitching and quilting journey with you.
So, my advice to you is to just finish your projects because, “I would rather have a finished project than a perfect project.”
Happy Stitching!
I love Mojo Tacos too! 😘
They are the best!
Thank you for letting us into your life and home. I always feel like it’s a good visit 😁
Thank you for visiting. I always enjoy reading your sweet comments.
Hey Annie!
I love your Flosstube and now your blog! The site is beautiful and I look forward to watching all the things you do so well.
I enjoy your channel so much and i thank you for all your tips for finishing. Cross stitching and quilting are to me so much fun. I love how the thread colors come to life on the many beautiful fabrics available today. Keep on stitching and i will continue to read and watch.
Thank you for your continued support. I always enjoy reading your sweet comments.
Ty for the needed * nudge* to get in there and finish your projects. Framed several this week, made a couple of funky little pillows, and attached one to a larger frame, with a background of prim fabric and added autumn leaves. Now to repaint my living room, it does need it, and start displaying my stitching! Ty gf!!
I am so glad you are finishing your projects!!! xoxo
I enjoy your channel. I have some finishing to do so I better get starting!
You can do it!!!!
Annie, thank you so much for sharing your love of cross stitch, quilting, and crafts with me. I love watching your YouTube channel. Your projects, and finishes are inspiring. I am looking forward to so much more.
You are so welcome!! Thank you for following along and encouraging me.
Congratulations on your blog! I look forward to many more posts. You are doing a great job.
Thank you so much.
I love watching your flosstube and all the information and tips you give. Congratulations on your first blog post.
Thank you!
I sure am glad you decided to jump in and start your flosstube. I always look forward to your next one. I’ve been stitching for 45 years but just started trying to do my own finishing thanks to your philosophy of ‘better to have a finished project than a perfect project’. Thanks, Annie.
xxoxo Thank you!
Hi Annie–i love your Floss Tube—you inspire me to finish my projects i have tucked away—-You are by far my favorite Floss Tube and i just love your projects! Thank you for sharing about how and why you started your channel.
Thank you!! I appreciate your kind words.xxoxxo
I look forward to each FlossTube you do! Your enthusiasm and honesty are heartwarming. I know I will enjoy your blog posts also.
Thank you for saying so. I am really enjoying this new chapter.
Annie I’m so glad I found you. I was watching stitching with Grammy and she talk about you so I had to check you out . you doing a great job .Love your Flosstube
Thank you!! She is so sweet!!
I enjoyed this visit thank you for stepping out and creating this informative and enjoyable read! 🌺💜💜
Thank you
A new Blog for us…..yay for us! I enjoy all you post and will look forward to this new blog too🥰💁♀️🪡xxxxThank you! You go girl 🎉🎉🎉
Thank you!
Hi Annie! What a wonderful opening blog post. I just discovered your floss tube channel and love your encouraging and uplifting message.
Thank you so much!!
Congratulations Annie on starting a blog too! Good for you. I think so many stitchers enjoy your Flosstube. Handel is that you are just what the word ,proper, means – very genuine.
We love your honesty, your enthusiasm, your esthetic for finishing and know that we could be best friends, if only we lived closer to you!
Well done 😊👏💐
Thank you for your friendship and continued support. xoxo
Ah , if only I would proofread! The word should have been ,channel, instead of Handel!! 🤣
Hi Annie, It is always a great day when I can watch your flosstube! You get so much done, and inspire me to finish more projects.
Thank you!
Thanks for sharing your story. I enjoy your channel and seeing your finishing. I been a solitary stitcher most of my life. My friends didn’t understand my obsession. Floss tube is fantastic because I get to visit with other stitchers.
Hi Cathy, I am a solitary stitcher as well. My friends who cross stitch live so far away. Thank you for leaving a comment.
Hi, Annie! I just read your blog and it felt rather comforting, as well as encouraging, but it left me sad, too. I used to use Blogger in 2009-2010 when my kids we young and I was at home. Then divorce struck and times changed. I’m remarried now and life is allowing me extra time to spend at home with my needle and thread. I have a domain, a “name”, but I don’t have that extra umph in me to do what you and some of the other FlossTubers do. I’m not able to invest in haul like everyone and I feel I’m not up to par. In 2009-2010, I could’ve managed. I know you’re busy, but any advise for a fellow stitcher?
Btw, thank you for allowing me the place to express my admiration for what you do, your amazing FlossTube, your sweet, sweet personality is truly comforting, and your encouraging nature! Just thank you!
Hi, Julie, thank you for reading my blog and leaving your comment. I am so sorry you fell that you are not up to par. I do have some suggestions to help spread those stitching dollars. 1)look for cross stitch freebies that designs offer. You can find most on designers’ websites and social media pages. 2) shop on the de-stash pages on Facebook. That is one way I built up my stash of linen and patterns. 3) use DMC floss. There are several conversion charts of how to convert over dyed floss to DMC, and it they look fabulous. But most of all, just stitch what you enjoy. Don’t feel like you have to be like the others. Just do what makes you happy. I hope this helps. You are welcome to email me.
Thanks to your interview with Sambrie stitches and your response to my question I finally found out how you got your name and more. Thank you. I have always loved your logo so good job. It really is pretty. Congratulations for all the hard work on putting together a Youtube channel. I so enjoy for all the sharing and teaching and life stories and pretty things. Thank you.
Hello Allison! Thank you for your comment. I am so glad that you found your way to my channel and blog. Please feel free to email me anytime. I am always looking for feedback and ideas for blog posts, so you are welcome to send those my way. xoxo