We have all heard the phrase, "I lost my mojo!", but what does that really mean? I recently experienced losing my cross stitching mojo, and let me tell you it is not fun. My sewing needles lost their energy. My fabric lost its luster. My floss lost its color. I lost my mojo! I had no desire to cross stitch. These were dark times, to say the least.What is "Mojo"?No, I am not referring to the
Cross Stitch Holiday Gift Guide
I love a good gift guide every holiday season, so I am sharing the best gifts for any cross stitcher! This year, I am offering you a Cross Stitcher's Gift Guide to 2021. These gifts are meant to inspire and restore anyone's inspiration to create their best projects. Whether you are purchasing for yourself or a friend, I've got you covered with these amazing items. I have divided the list into
The Proper Stitcher Starts a FlossTube
Why I Wanted To Start a FlossTubeI often get asked why I wanted to start a FlossTube channel. Why me? Why now? I think it is a reasonable question, don't you? Why would I want to step out of my comfort zone and record videos about cross stitching and quilting? Would I have enough content? Would anyone want to watch? These are questions that kept creeping up in the back of my mind.The first time I