About Annie:
Hello, I am Annie, The Proper Stitcher. I live in East Tennessee with my fabulous husband, two children and two Cavalier King Charles Spaniels puppies. My hobbies are cross stitching, quilting and home decorating.
“I would rather have a finished project than a perfect project.”
Annie, The Proper Stitcher
When it all began:
I have loved cross stitching since I was a child. My grandmother introduced this wonderful hobby to me and I fell in love instantly. My grandmother did all kinds of needle crafts, as well as quilting, gardening, baking, and so much more. I stopped cross stitching when I was teenager, and was reintroduced to it when my youngest child started school in 2010.
Although I grew up with handmade quilts from my grandmother, I never learned how to quilt. After I returned to cross stitching, I also wanted to learn to quilt to carry on the family tradition. I was fascinated with all the fabrics and beginner quilting techniques. I searched YouTube for beginner tutorials and taught myself how to quilt. I still consider myself a beginner, but I love having quilts to pass onto my children.
About this blog:
I started this blog in order to keep track of all of my cross stitch and quilting projects. It is quickly becoming so much more as I want to share my philosophy of “I would rather have a finished project than a perfect project.” This simply means that I want cross stitchers to stop worrying about their fully finished projects being perfect. Once people stop focusing on perfection, then they will relax and enjoy fully finishing their own projects.
Why I created a FlossTube channel:
I decided to create a FlossTube channel for many of the same reasons I created a blog. I wanted to document my cross stitch and quilting journey, but I also wanted to connect with my audience. The FlossTube community has been very rewarding. I have enjoyed getting to know so many people.
Keep in Touch with Annie:
Most days you will find me in my sewing room either quilting or cross stitching.
Please follow me : Instagram
Email: theproperstitcher@gmail.com
I love:
- this beautiful country we live in, God, and East Tennessee
- my husband, two beautiful children and our two sweet puppies
- the ocean – the waves and sand between my toes relaxes me
- cross stitch – all things cross stitch
- quilting – and all the amazing fabrics
- art history
- Christmas
- Mojo Tacos in Franklin, TN
- the sound of a slamming screen door
- The Great Smoky Mountains
- front porch swings
- hammocks
- the smell of onions, celery and carrots sauteing
- dogwood trees
- a cozy fire
- hydrangeas
- flowers
- birthdays
- apple pie
- travel